Spring is around the corner, time to get finances in order!
- Cancel unwanted/unneeded subscribtions! I got rid of all of mine. Since I can’t live without my Amazon Prime membership, I just started watching movies and tv shows on that. Essentially it won’t cost any more money, but you can treat yourself every once in a while if you want to see a new movie!
- Download all the coupon apps I share! It won’t make you millions but I promise those git cards will help out for sure!
- Lower that heat and turn off those lights! That saying is as old as time, but lower those utility bills by doing this and spend that saved money somewhere better!
- Stop eating out! Cook more often at home because it’s healthier and will save you money. Don’t have a lot of time? That’s okay, invest in a crockpot or an air fryer!
- Try to increase one of your savings account by just a little bit. Doesn’t have to be your retirement, maybe you can put towards vacation savings now that the season is about to change.