It all boils down to your self control. ONLY use credit cards if you can pay off the entire balance immediately or every month when that bill arrives. If you can not, then you are paying those high interest rates, and essentially what you bought was really not $20 it is now $20 plus interest and so on. Using cash promotes careful spending. Swiping a card is very easy whether it is debit or credit. When you have actual cash in hand in a store you are more aware and have to keep track of what you are spending to make sure you have enough for it. I do a little bit of both. I budget out cash for spending for the week, it mostly covers the groceries. Because when I walk into a grocery store, trust me, I’d love to buy so many more things! But instead I stick to my budget and buy what I need. I do use credit for my bills. I pay the bills on credit, then immediately pay that amount from my checking account. So I am only spending on those variable bills, but by paying it immediately I have no bill for that credit card, but still earning those credit card rewards. If you do not feel you have good self control, use cash! Because you need to eliminate those credit card bills to continue your debt free journey!