Yes, we are all exhausted it’s the end of the night and it feels like you can’t manage to do another thing. But….you must! Take anywhere from 10-20 minutes and do what you can to organize your house before bed. The goal is to have your house reset so when you wake up in the morning you have a fresh start and most of what needs to be done was done last night. Do your best to wash or put those dinner dishes in the dishwasher and wipe out that sink so it’s clean. Wipe down those counters, kitchen table and push in those chairs. Take a micofiber cloth and quickly give those stainless steel appliances a wipe down with If you have some laundry in the dryer at least fold them and put them in a neat pile if you can’t put them away. Just a little bit will go a long way. Fit in what you can in this small amount of time before you settle in for the night and you will wake up and feel less stressed. So enjoy that morning coffee or tea knowing you have a few less things to do and spend a few minutes more enjoying that peaceful time to yourself.