With the month coming to an end you you might be getting ready to pay those bills. If you read the recent post on budgeting you have written down what your bills will be for a month. I want you to take that number, be realistic because numbers do not lie, and divide that into 4. By dividing that into 4 which means 4 weeks that is the number you should be putting aside each week if you are paid on a weekly basis. If your pay is biweekly you can do it by 2. I have a separate checking account in which every Friday I just slide the money over into so when it comes time to pay my bills after 4 weeks, all that I need is there. If you use cash, you can also do the envelope system to separate.
As far as those variable bills I do a little homework. For example, I know my electric bill will be different each month by not choosing to be on their budget plan. So I go into my account, or you can check your bank statement, and look to see what that bill was last year that month. That will give me a very close idea to what it will be. I round up a little because lets face it, what price ever goes down these days? Now that I have my number that is what I will use and divide by 4.
If there is something you are saving for factor that in for the month. If you are trying to pay something off a little faster, round up that original number and then divide.
After I have moved this money because I factor my monthly savings into here as well, I know am left with what I can spend for the week. This will include miscellaneous for all of the family, and will be more of wants not our needs. And whatever it is, is what it is. We are not salaried employees so our number fluctuates. It forces me to make due with what is left. Tough month, not much? Just challenges me to find some good old fashioned free fun! It takes the guesswork out of bill paying and the money you need is there and ready to go by months end. It will lessen the stress and you will feel proud when all those bills are paid, money is saved and hopefully some left for you to decide how you want to spend that! You are now in control so good luck!