Since we reviewed budgeting this week and you may have a better idea now of what your real numbers are, set goals to get rid of that unwanted debt. Place them in order of lowest balance to highest balance and come up with a solution on how you can attack each debt one at a time starting with the lowest and then move on to the next debt.
Ways you might be able to earn extra income:
- Pick up extra hours at your current job
- Reduce your current bills by canceling any subscriptions you don’t need
- Ask any neighbors or friends if the need help with babysitting or pet sitting
- Declutter your home and sell any items you don’t need anymore. Try Facebook or consignment shops
- Deliver groceries with Instacart or DoorDash
- Offer house cleaning services
- My favorite which is earning cash back from coupon apps
By becoming closer to being debt free you will be able to start saving more towards your next goal so you don’t need to take out a loan and get into more debt. Stay positive, it is possible and the most freeing feeling one can have. Set your goals, focus on them daily, believe in them and they will happen. Start today and head to financial freedom to decide what you want to do next with your money, you should, you work hard for it!