Happy Monday all! Hopefully last week you ready the post on how to work on your budget. If not take this opportunity to write down how much you make in a total month, you must be accurate in order for this to work without any surprises. Now figure out all your expenses, both fixed and variable and deduct them all from your total monthly salary number. The number you have left will be what you can spend on anything else. Again, be honest because the numbers will not lie at the end of the month. Being that it is Monday you have a clean slate and a fresh start. Decide what will be best for you on how to spend any overage that you may have left. Try to put away 10% for an emergency fund and 10% for your retirement fund if you can. And remember, do you best to stick with this budget you are creating. Stay on track and stay positive because you will do great, just don’t give up! Good luck!